Wednesday, February 18, 2015

28 Weeks

28 Weeks.

I've gained 12.3 lbs.

I passed my glucola test after the second time..

here was the first experience:
How to fail your Oral Glucose test, before you even take it:
Wake up feeling great- Drink the 10 ounces, let it remind you of Gatorade..
You decide to walk to your appt. You began a slight job- You only have a half a block to go- you feel great 26 weeks pregnant- then you get a whiff of the McDonalds across the street and barf up all 10 ounces. 
No big deal- You've thrown up 346 times in the last 26 weeks.... Except you get to the doctors and they look at you weird when you tell them you jogged over to take your test and you threw up-

They send you away for another day.
Expect this passage to be in the book I write called: WHAT NEVER EVER TO EXPECT WHEN YOURE PREGNANT. ha.


No complaints. I'm tired and happy. 

1 comment:

  1. Man that glucose test was bad this time. Not throw it up while jogging to my appointment bad (I don't believe in jogging as you know, pregnant or not) but it threw me off all day. I do hope that doesn't mean I failed.....
