Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Talmage Samuel Lane

For months we tried to decide on a name.

I kept suggesting Talmage and Jack kept suggesting Joseph Smith, Don Carlos and Alvin.

I think that is such a fun part of being pregnant.

You comb over what it will be like and all your 

UNREALISTIC expectations flood your mind and imagination for 

40 weeks straight.

And then that lovely reality hits.

My due date was May 10th. Mothers Day.

It was a simple quiet UN contractual type of day.

The next day I went to the doctors to receive the news that I was dilated to a one.

I was disappointed and hoped that I would have my baby before my Mom flew out that Friday.

I cried on the phone to hear.

Put on workout clothes and went for a long walk.

Then I met Jack and Jackson in the garden where

Jack asked me for help, so I took it upon myself to

fill up the water buckets over and over and carry them to him in 

each hand, like some entry level crossfit workout.


I went to bed.

In the morning I was in pain. 

I diagnosed myself with what they call: Pre Labor.

My contractions were 3 minutes apart at 9 a.m.

Jack told Jackson to school and cancelled his events for the day.

We figured it would be a day laboring.. that is what all the books say.. and all the 

UNREALISTIC expectations.

By 11:30 we were at the hospital and I was dilated to a 5 and screaming and moaning..

LIKE ALL THE HOLLYWOOD MOVIES that the BOOKS say it isn't like at all.

wrong. ha.

The staff prepared me for a IV and try to find a vein 7 different times.

Another 90 minutes pass, they get the IV in and send a blood test down to the lab to confirm that I 

can receive an epidural... all the while I'm laboring...

LIKE ALL THE HOLLYWOOD MOVIES that the BOOKS say it isn't like at all.

The lab must have gone to lunch and a movie and perhaps a nap

because 90 minutes later I got the epidural.

Jack asked the doctor to check me, its 4:45, And I've dilated to a 10.

They tell me to "Labor down"

We aren't sure what that means, so I start practicing positions I want to deliver in,

the ones all the natural birthing books talk about... the positions not found in movies.

I practice push for 45 minutes which I actually loved and was actually 

really fun.

5:39 Talmage is born.

The doctor calls him aggressive and Jack and I both smile.

Photo Credit: Kate Dooley: site

They immediately place him on my chest and this little guy starts his push up 

routine.... and we become smitten.

We feel so blessed to be able to add to our little family immediately.

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