Thursday, December 11, 2014

The blessing of Morning Sickness

Is there really anyway you can put into words

the emotions one feels when they are experiencing

their first pregnancy?

Lots of new firsts for me,

And I'm blessed beyond many expectations that I get to do this

With Jack and Heavenly Father.

Here's our announcement video:

Thanks for stopping by.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Once upon a time

Once upon a time we decided to finish our attic before we left for Kentucky, days as we got married.

If you have been looking for some type of relationship building or test,

Do a remodel together.

Are we still in love?

Madly, yes.

We accomplished our goals, two weeks late, but it turned out great.

We arrived in Lexington, KY last Friday.

I've been battling a nasty cold for the past couple weeks

so I've let it derail my whole to do list pertaining to unpacking.

I have 3-4 boxes left to unpack.

I have a billion thank you letters to write and send from our wedding.

Thanks for reading.
